How to become graduate program faculty
The graduate program faculty are faculty members of ASU who are approved to be listed as a chair for doctoral students. Every program has their own graduate program faculty, and it is possible to be part of the graduate program faculty for multiple programs.
Once approved, your name will appear on the Graduate College faculty list, which contains all of the faculty members approved to be listed as a chair for a doctoral students in electrical engineering. Doctoral students and applicants can search through the page to see which faculty members are approved, and they might reach out to you with research proposals.
Instructions for School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering faculty
If you are a member of the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering faculty, please check the Graduate College faculty list to ensure that you are included. This is the official list from the Graduate College that students refer to, and we want to make sure that your information is correct. If you are not on the list, please email Graduate Program Chair of Electrical Engineering Michael Kozicki at [email protected]. He will notify the Graduate College and the correction will be made.
Instructions for faculty outside of the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
If you are not a member of the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering faculty and would like to apply to be part of the electrical engineering graduate program faculty, complete the Graduate Faculty and Endorse to Chair Rules form. Send the completed form and your curriculum vitae to Graduate Program Chair of Electrical Engineering Michael Kozicki at [email protected]. Once you are approved, follow the additional instructions on the form.