Semiconductor materials are used to make the chips that provide electronics with functionality and the transistors that regulate electricity flow in electrical devices. The term “semiconductor” is often used as shorthand for computing chips. Semiconductor manufacturing is undergoing a renaissance in the U.S. in the wake of the CHIPS and Science Act being signed. Examples of research conducted in this field at ASU include investigating the use of diamond and boron nitride as transistor materials and mapping out a way to build 3D heterogeneously integrated microelectronic devices.
Semiconductors faculty
Chris BaileyHugh BarnabyMariana BertoniUmberto CelanoChaitali ChakrabartiKrishnendu ChakrabartyLawrence ClarkZhaoyang FanDavid FerryHouqiang FuStephen GoodnickJosh HihathZachary HolmanChristiana HonsbergLina KaramSayfe KiaeiRichard KingMichael KozickiNidhin Kurian KalarickalMatthew MarinellaMarco SaranitiBrian SkrommeTrevor ThorntonDragica VasileskaChao WangYu YaoYong-Hang Zhang