Skill verification letter process
Hello School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering graduates,
We are proud of your accomplishments and are grateful for your time with us. For alumni who are beginning the process to apply for U.S. permanent residency or an H-1B visa with an employer, the legal team may request that you obtain verification of skills or knowledge obtained during your degree.
If you are in this process, follow the steps below to request a skill verification letter.
Skill verification letters for EEE courses are approved by our graduate program chair. Please list all classes and skills needing verification in a single letter, and follow the steps below closely.
- Use the letter template to create a single Word document listing all skills needing verification and the courses you gained the skills from.
- Save the document with the following file name format: Lastname_firstname_Skills_letter
- Provide a copy of your ASU unofficial transcript, which can be downloaded from your MyASU account at no cost.
- Email your letter and unofficial transcript to [email protected].
Listed skills not gained in EEE courses will not be approved. Skills will be verified, and a signed letter on department letterhead will be sent to you as a PDF via email in approximately 3 weeks.
Skill verification for CEN and CSE courses
CSE and CEN courses fall under the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence. Please submit your request for skill letter verification for CSE and CEN courses on the SCAI skill verification letter page, following those instructions closely.

For more information contact:
Robert Monahan
Assistant Director of Academic Services
[email protected]