Undergraduate curricular practical training and internship information

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering aspire to develop leaders who are well-read, well-spoken and knowledgeable about current business practices. Experiential education is recognized as essential to the overall academic experience. To this end, the Fulton Schools offer enhanced curricula, special courses and extracurricular activities to enrich every student’s education and to offer opportunities to achieve the Fulton Schools’ aspirations.

The School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering allows electrical engineering BSE students to complete no more than two credit hours of EEE 484 — Internship towards their technical elective degree requirements (subject to approval).

The School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering has specific policies, eligibility requirements and forms that students need to be aware of. Please read through this page carefully to fully understand the curricular practical training process for electrical engineering BSE students.

Internship eligibility requirements

To be eligible for an internship, you need to meet eligibility requirements from the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering and, if you are an international student, the International Students and Scholars Center:

School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (applies to all students)

  • You must have at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • You must have junior standing by completing all of the courses in term four of your major map.
  • You must have a physical presence on campus during the spring or fall semester.

International Students and Scholars Center (if an international student)

  • Be enrolled in your current degree program for a minimum of one academic year.
  • You must receive academic credit for your internship.
  • You must have a physical presence on campus during the spring or fall semester.

For more information, please refer to the International Students and Scholars Center curricular practical training website.

School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering internship policies and procedures

Students who wish to complete an internship need to be aware of several key pieces of information:

  • Student must be in good academic standing
  • The internship should be directly related to electrical engineering or power systems engineering and require the background knowledge gained gained through your major courses.
  • The content of your internship must be approved by a faculty member as a technical elective.
  • The internship should provide the intern with appropriate learning experiences to enrich his or her overall education.
  • The internship should be posted and/or advertised as an internship. Ongoing or permanent positions are not eligible.
  • For international students doing curricular practical training, the position must start on or after the first day of the semester.
  • The internship should require the student to work a maximum of 20 hours per week for 14 weeks during the fall or spring semesters or up to full-time hours during the eight-week summer session.
  • The internship should have a designated supervisor or mentor who will provide feedback on the intern’s progress.
  • At the end of your internship, you will be required to complete the internship report and submit it to the advising office to receive credit.

Deadlines to apply:

  • Fall term requests must be received no later than July 20.
  • Spring term requests must be received no later than December 10.
  • Summer term requests must be received no later than April 15.
Instructions and checklist

If you meet the eligibility criteria listed above, please follow these instructions:

1. Review the internship application packet (linked in the collapsible section below this one) to ensure you know what information you need prior to initiating the request. If you initiate the request via Adobe Sign (linked below) and the information you enter is incomplete or inaccurate, your request will be denied and you will need to start the request over.

2. Submit the required information via Adobe Sign (linked in the collapsible section below this one). Emailed requests will not be accepted.

3. Department document review:

  • If we need additional documentation, you will receive an email.
  • Once approved, you will receive an email stating your request has been approved. You will need to register for the internship (EEE 484) credit every semester of your internship.

4. If you are an international student, after receiving department approval, request internship approval from the International Students and Scholars Center using the International Students and Scholars Center curricular practical training online form. Please enter your academic advisor as the contact person on this eform. Be sure to review all International Students and Scholars Center requirements.

When your internship or curricular practical training is complete, you must submit a written final report following the instructions in the application packet (linked in the collapsible section below this one). To complete the internship or curricular practical training, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the industrial supervisor has signed the report and that it is submitted to the student’s academic advisor.

*Please note that if you are graduating the semester you complete your internship, your grade for the internship will not be posted until the email is turned in and approved by the undergraduate program chair.

Internship form and DocuSign

Please review this application prior to submitting the Adobe Sign request:

When you are ready, submit the the request via Adobe Sign using this link: